Review of Dredd

Dredd (2012)
Dredd is NOT Robocop
29 January 2015
It's dark, grim, gritty, and action-packed.

Unlike Stallone's garbage film that had nothing to do with Judge Dredd, and tried WAY too hard to make him Robocop (a fine character, but these two are on opposite sides of the spectrum, character-wise) this one was simplistic, and you honestly feel like the character was done justice. Take a hint from this movie, Zack Snyder, this is how you do a character justice without copypasting from the source.

One fault of this film, however, is that it overuses slow-motion. I heard that it was good in 3-D, but if you watch this on home video, you'll want to fast forward through those scenes.

Dredd and the rookie are stuck in the megablock, and must work their way through waves of mobsters and try to call in backup.

This movie is so simple,, it's a breath of fresh air.

And it's full of action.

One could argue it's a bit too gritty, but it's better than the original where no blood was in at all (or if there was, it was like a scratch).

And Karl Urban actually knows the character and doesn't have Stallone's ego, and was fine with not having his face shown.

It's a movie I can recommend to any comic book fans that want to see a great character done justice, but also want to see some mega badassery.

So as much as I want to give this a perfect score, the film is a tad too gritty and overuses slow-motion. And that drops it down some pegs. Definitely a film to watch if you want to see some bodies drop and some dark humored punchlines. The movie nails Dredd as a character as I said before.

I can't wait until they do a sequel to this thing.
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