Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (quit hating just because Michael Bay kind of helped make it)
29 January 2015
Okay, so I've been a Turtles fan my entire life. And when I heard that Michael Bay wanted to make the turtles aliens I was as mad as anybody. Then I heard that his Turtle movie was coming out this year and I'm like, "No. He's going to singlehandedly ruin the entire franchise" I'm proud to report that he didn't.

While I still dislike the Turtle's and Splinter's designs, I think the movie is pretty damn good. No Casey as promised, which is a good reason to dock points from this movie. He's my second favorite character.

While the plot is highly predictable and bland, the action and comedy are a notch above decent. The special effects (outside of character models) are spectacular, as you'd expect.

The movie feels a bit empty, like I, Frankenstein or Transformers 4. Like somebody just couldn't find a way to make it feel more... "Full".

"Here, we want this, this, this, and this to happen, but nothing else" I seriously doubt somebody said that.

The slow-motion in this isn't really anything (cough, unlike Dredd, cough) and you really won't mind it. I think it adds some style to it.

There isn't much action that you're like "Oh, that's really cool" besides some stuff with Master Splinter, every bit with Shredder, and one little scene with Mikey. And most of that stuff came out in the trailers and previews.

As stated previously, the plot is painstakingly predictable. No plot twists. Nothing you're generally surprised by. You've watched the movie before you've seen it.

Unlike the Internet when his models were shown, I actually like Shredder's design. It's a really cool robotic suit that looks just like Shredder does, except with these badass wrist-mounted knives. Some people say it's overkill, but hey, it's cool and I'm a big fan of the Turtles and I don't give a crap about it. Except this Shredder is painfully cliché, unlike the really cool villain I grew up on.

It's a solid movie. It just never steps out of the box or has any real character development. Something you watch once and maybe twice if you're being generous, and then you forget about it.
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