What a waste of - well, everything
23 February 2015
Unless for some reason you really, really want to see Andy Dick naked, there is no reason to watch this movie. The worst part about it is that I can't un-see it. The best part . . . well, I must have missed that.

And it comes so close. So many of the jokes are almost there, but like a pass that slips through the receiver's hands, they never connect. The jokes that do connect are at best mildly amusing with punchlines telegraphed yards before delivery.

The concept has a lot of promise. Psycho coach in a Division III football program that is on its last legs. Should have, could have worked. It's easy to understand why people signed on to do the movie. What is less clear is why they aren't suing to keep it under wraps.

Watch "Major League" instead. It's essentially the same movie but without the naked Dick.
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