Review of Sniffer

Sniffer (2006)
Sniffer by Bobbie Peers
1 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Denotative implication - A surreal world. Anti-gravity is the norm. More like a way of life. You have been made to accept that the society lives that way.

But, that's not what this is about. We see organized rhythm within chaos (also, in the edit), an assembly level design at every possible strata of society, also deliberately reflected in the visual design and sound design of the film, which is quite interesting, also because we do not see an iota of social interactions between people, at the least. One man seems to be struggling with this setup. He's probably the only one "sniffing" decadence, a clearly harmful social decadence (I can confidently say so, otherwise he wouldn't be sniffing at armpits of sweaty fat men, yuck!). However, it leeches on to him as an occupational hazard, as he is seen impersonating his deodorant tester-self at home, probably trying hard to make sense of decadence and brainwashing himself to fit into something he clearly has no idea about. (Also, suggested by the fact that he is forcefully brought back down to the ground by his wife) There's a pigeon, but the pigeon, however, meets its end, as the stench of "decadence" becomes too much to handle. Before meeting its end though, it somehow epitomizes the significance of decadence, quite literally, and this has a major bearing on the sniffer, who unstraps himself, to metaphorically mimic what the pigeon was trying to suggest - 'Fly away, if you don't want to get bogged down by norms that you have trapped yourself in.'

Connotative implication - A philosophical poem on how the decadence of society's organized assembly-level setup, has a clear bearing on the physiological, psychological and moral ramifications of an individual, thereby the society as a whole, implicitly.

*Sniff, *sniff... /*Writer passes out.*/
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