Review of Chappie

Chappie (2015)
Plot holes big enough to drive a Moose through
7 March 2015
Chappie's plot relies entirely on the complete absence of any security (guards, cameras, monitoring) in the security firm that makes the Chappie security droids. A military firm mind you, of the future. Yes, unfortunately despite the incredible special effects, Chappie is one big exercise in idiot ball writing. Everything that happens in the movie relies on the complete incompetence of its characters, most importantly, absence of ANY security. Worse yet, the movie tries very hard to copy the movie Short Circuit, but fails to evoke the same emotions when it's titular character is mistreated. The characters are very unlikable, especially Chappie. The tone of the movie is inconsistent, ranging from childish to gritty and violent. And it just comes off as a Short Circuit knock off with better effects, but worse writing. The movie also reuses the same setting as District 9, which has now clearly outstayed its welcome. Sigourney Weaver is underused, and her character is badly written. She plays the CEO of a giant military security firm, that has no interest in a revolutionary new AI. If the makers of the movie were wondering when they lost their audience, that would be the moment.
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