By the Gun (2014)
A desperate attempt at a 'mob' film
29 April 2015
Imagine if you will all the scenes in 'Mafia' films that have stirred your imagination or induced a sense of wonder at the 'mob' culture both at the internal structure of the 'family' and the loyalty that it demands, or, the dark and depraved levels of brutality that is served colder than yesterday's Ziti. Each film, and let's not forget the wonderful Sopranos series depicted more than their fair share of gruesome details. Now imagine hurrying to fill every scene, sub-plot and hard hitting moment into one film? Well, this is it.

This film seems hurried, the scenes are empty and the plot holes and unbelievable relationships between characters are clear and awkward. This is a film that you think you've seen before simply because there's nothing original to the viewer. I did find myself saying 'no' at predictable story lines... I did say 'no' rather a lot!

The best thing about this film was smiling at Harvey Keitels New Jersey? accent.
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