Alice of Darkness
9 May 2015
Alice at the Apocalypse (2013)

*** 1/2 (out of 4)

Highly entertaining but all too short interview with Alice Cooper who discusses a wide range of subjects including his role in John Carpenter's PRINCE OF DARKNESS. Cooper starts off talking about his childhood and how he became a horror fan. He talks about the horror triple features that he'd watch as a child and then he talks about how CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON scared him as a child. From here he goes into details about how he ended up appearing in the movie and what it meant to him to be in a Carpenter film. If you're a fan of Alice Cooper then you already know he's one of the best people to just sit down and listen to and that's certainly true with this interview, which is a lot of fun. Getting to hear him talk about the horror movies that he enjoyed so much as a kid was certainly fun as was hearing how he got involved in the film in question. It's too bad the interview didn't go on a tad bit longer because who wouldn't have wanted to hear his thoughts on MONSTER DOG?
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