Wildlife Specials: Lions: Spy in the Den (2000)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Boulder cam!
5 June 2015
"Lions: Spy in the Den" is a new type of documentary that's been popular in recent years. In films like this as well as "Elephants: Spy in the Herd" and "Penguins: Spy in the Huddle" you combine modern technology with traditional documentaries by surreptitiously sending cameras directly into a group of animals and recording them. And, by doing this, there is no camera person who is either risking their life or affecting the animals' behaviors.

In this case, the camera is hidden inside a boulder-like device with fake plants stuck on it. Despite not looking very realistic to people, the animals actually quickly accepted this as a natural part of their environment and acted as they usually do. Much of the action concerns the lives of a group of babies as they grow and develop but a variety of other behaviors are seen--such as lions mating (they apparently do this every 25 or so minutes and do it a total of about 150 times over the course of three days!!), fighting (they do this a lot more than I expected), hunting, exploring and surviving. While I never enjoyed this as much as the other two films I mentioned, it is fascinating and well worth your time.
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