This isn't a documentary it's a personal promotional video.
25 June 2015
The sole executive producer of the film is Lawrence Krauss who is also one of the main subjects of the film. So if that seems like a bit of self-promotion propaganda that is exactly how the movie feels. If you are an Atheist or a Theist looking for a film about the best arguments of Atheism and intellectual stimulation from two of the leading proponents of Atheistic thought, you won't find it here. If you're an Atheist looking for mindless hero worship of Atheist leaders, this is your flick. This isn't a documentary it's a promotional piece. We don't learn more about the subjects, we don't really learn more about the subject. There is no plot, no hero's journey, no 3 act structure, or even a story line. The editing is nonsensical. At one point it seems to be edited to show (we assume unintentionally) that Lawrence Krauss is a hard worker and in demand while Richard Dawkins isn't. It is filled with meaningless images that don't set the mood or even transition well to the next scene. This film was poorly conceived, poorly made, poorly edited, and is a waist of time.
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