Review of Bibleman

Bibleman (1995– )
Oh dear oh dear oh dear.....
9 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Well if I was unsure that religion was a crock, I had no doubt after watching this...well I can't find the word to describe how bad this is. Bibleman is nothing more than a collection of cheesy superhero clichés all of which have been done to death. The acting is way way over the top and camp, and no the irony was not lost on me considering this is a Christian show. The costumes are laughable, Bibleman looks like something thrown together from what was left after Superman, Batman etc all picked theirs and the weapons look like early light saber prototypes rejected from Star Wars. Also the message this show is putting across, trying to say that the bible is the answer to all problems is very misleading, when in fact it has been used in attempting to justify the worst atrocities in history from the Crusades, to the Spanish Inquisition, to Slavery to the Holocaust. Speaking of the bible, it seem's Bibleman's special power is to bore criminals to death while spouting this rubbish, hence why one character screamed, "WOULD YOU STOP WITH THE BIBLE SPOUTING!!!" All I can say is Amen to that.
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