Hello!? The Rise Of The 4th Reich!?.... Ha!
17 July 2015
Yawn!.... Well, here we go again with yet another savagely vicious zombie movie - But, this time around it's been specially flavoured with a demented Nazi-twist to its storyline, which I guess was supposed to make it much more interesting to watch. But, it didn't.

One of Outpost's biggest strikes against it was the nuisance, meddlesome, female character, Lena. This woman was, pretty much, the only female in what seemed to be a male-dominated cast. And, strike #2 against Outpost was that each of these males was nothing but a typical army jock who was hell-bent on proving to his fellow troopers that his balls hung lower than theirs'.

Anyway - The biggest problem with the Lena character was that one minute she wanted to be treated as if she were just one-of-the-boys, and, then, in the next minute she was demanding special consideration due her gender as a female. (Spare me!)

If that wasn't annoying enough - Outpost was also one of those irksome horror movies where the characters clearly didn't know what the hell they were dealing with (the Nazi zombies), yet, they handled the whole situation with a truly remarkable competence.

In conclusion - For all that it was worth, this super-lame, poorly conceived Zombie/Nazi movie should have really been billed as a twisted slapstick comedy - 'Cause that's all it was to me.
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