A Beautiful, Benchmark Production
17 July 2015
I've seen my share of Star Trek fan fiction produced and released on YouTube. If I were to characterize what I had seen before Axanar showed up on my radar, in a single word, I'd say it was "uneven." Sets tend to be quite good, graphics variable from mediocre to near-studio-quality, and acting which, while it has its moments, never leaves the amateur ranks.

Then, something over a year ago (June of 2014), the trailer for Prelude to Axanar showed up in my "What to Watch" list on YouTube. Out of curiosity I clicked on it ... HOOBOY! Whoever was doing this, I thought, they were SERIOUS!

* Sets - Perfect


* Music - Original and well-done!

* Acting - 100% PROFESSIONAL!

That last should be no surprise, considering that many of the actors working in the service of this brief piece were veterans of actual Star Trek episodes. Two months later when Prelude to Axanar came out, there wasn't the slightest drop in professionalism or quality in any aspect of that beautiful short film. This is work worthy not just of the name Star Trek; it is worthy of big-screen time. That sentiment is reinforced by a teaser first scene, released on 10 July, 2015, involving Gary Graham as Vulcan Ambassador Soval and Kim Fitzgerald as Minister T'Lera, discussing critical issues relating to a conflict which will culminate at Axanar.

This is quality work, the likes of which I haven't seen outside of the major studios, made by people who love Star Trek and want to represent it at the highest level possible, even though they cannot make a single dime off of it. They are to be saluted for their hard work and dedication ... and I just can't WAIT to see the final product!
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