Viewed Out of Bogart's Contextual Career…Pretty Good Horror
22 July 2015
Fans of Bogey like to Scoff at this "Miscasting" and Bogart would Demean and Destroy this Movie at the Drop of a Hat, but...Bogart shows Range and Style and is as Creepy as They Come.

Playing a Resurrected Mad Scientist with a Blood Craving Disease He manages to Steal the Movie. Not that Hard considering it is not really a Return or Sequel, the Dated Comedy elements Threaten to Sink the Thing from the start, and this Short LIttle B-Picture was not really Warner Brothers Forte.

It's a genuine Horror Film nonetheless with enough Lurid and Scary elements to Sustain the Shortcomings. Although Bogart makes it His Film, some others also Impress. John Litel as the Serious Scientist trying to Find a Cure for Diseased Blood and Lya Lys as an Actress falling Victim to the Madness shines in few Brief Scenes.

Can be Appreciated Out of Context for Humphrey Bogart's Iconic Career and the Comedy inclusions Ignored, This is a Pretty Good Entry in Thirties Horror.
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