Lone Survivor (2013)
Purely disgusting
22 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
There are movies that are called "based on a true story" that are so fantasized that calling them a true story becomes incredibly illogical. This movie disgusts me because it thinks that if you show a bunch of clips of marines and call it a true story that it must be hailed as "inspiring" and "a story of true courage", when there are obvious moments that it's impossible for the single survivor to have known that they happened. So I can fairly criticize this as a film without any qualms. You can't just fly a banner that says "war movie" and evade criticism... well, you can avoid the critics at the idiotic aggregators and the idiots who see "based on true acts of courage" and automatically call it the greatest film of the year.

This movie is comically bad. It barely shows any of the humanity of the soldiers, making their deaths lack impact. And you know that everybody's going to die from the get-go because of the title, meaning it needed to have impact. And it doesn't. It has horrible pacing, terrible camera, and the portrayal of the Muslim characters is laughable at best. Like American Sniper, this film is Jingoistic, portraying all Muslim characters as either stupid terrorists or just stupid.

The musical score is bad too. The action sequences are like American Sniper; a scope lines up with a terrorist, and then it jump cuts to the person dying. Wow, that's intense. Great action really, because there totally aren't sniper movies that do more. Totally. The movie completely overuses slow motion with multiple sequences where nothing happens except soldiers falling down the mountainsides. Wow, riveting.

The dialogue is poorly written; never does anybody feel heroic or humane. Quite the opposite. And that's the worst part about it. It feels disrespectful, because that's what it is. You can't take a story of a group of heroes, turn it into just another Hollywood garbage film, plaster "true story" on it, play a sad song at the end with pictures of the real soldiers, and then get massive dough and avoid any and all criticism. Sorry Hollywood, I won't fall for this bullshit. Lone Survivor gets a 3/10. 
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