Pretty great, despite getting preachy at times
22 July 2015
Book of Eli is a post-apocalyptic/Christian film starring Denzel Washington and Mila Kunis, where all of society and knowledge are wiped. Eli has the only Bible in existence and is trying to travel to a promised land in the west.

I'm not one for watching religious films, but this one is surprisingly solid. Now I won't talk about religion for this review as I don't want to fill the entire review with my religious beliefs. Instead, I'll be judging on whether Book of Eli is good as a movie.

BoE has great action sequences, though they are few and far between. The dialogue is well written, and the acting is solid. The sets feel weak and the characters use traditional weapons, which I feel shouldn't be in a post-apocalyptic film. People should use improvised weaponry, instead of everybody having shotguns and assault carbines. It just doesn't fit with the world BoE attempts to provide. The musical score is quite good.

The story, outside of the religious motivation, is pretty cliché. Name a post-apocalyptic film that isn't about the protagonists reaching the promised land. It also has a few plot holes, which never get explained. It attempts to be gritty and such, but it tries too hard. There's barely any color in the film and every location looks and feels the same as the last. And it tries to have some wow factor, but fails outright.

Book of Eli is a solid film, though it feels preachy and doesn't have enough imagination to make it a stunner. Book of Eli gets an 8/10. I'd be proud to have this on my shelves, though it has faults that can't be ignored just because of it being religious.
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