Seventh Son (I) (2014)
It's surprisingly solid for a film delayed so many times
22 July 2015
Seventh Son is a film adaptation of "The Spook's Apprentice", and while I won't pretend to have read the book, as I haven't, I feel I can still accurately judge the movie. I've been waiting to watch this movie since I saw the preview for it while watching Pacific Rim at home. Mind you, this movie should've come out two years ago, but didn't due to some licensing issues, so I assumed we'd either never see it or it would suck.

One of the best things in this movie is that it has great set pieces, special effects, and music that make you feel a part of it. And while the music isn't as good as the next movie I will be reviewing, it is still really good and fits in well with the film. This and its sense of wonder are what I feel are best done in this film.

The action sequences (specifically the Spook's) are well done and fast-paced, with great sense of motion and fluidity in the way the characters move and fight. Which is what I always love to see (INSERT MY USUAL HARPING FOR KINGSMAN AND EQUILIBRIUM)

It has a couple of people I've seen before; Jeff Bridges from RIPD as the Spook, Kit Harington from Pompeii in a very limited role towards the beginning, and Djimon Hounsou from Pompeii and Guardians of the Galaxy in another limited role. Jeff Bridges feels like he has a "wannabe' Sean Connery voice" if nobody could understand Connery. The acting isn't very great, but it isn't terrible. Bridges and the main protagonist probably do the best jobs.

Seventh Son's story isn't that great but it isn't one we've really seen before in the modern age. It's pretty interesting because I'd never heard of Seventh Sons before until I started researching them before watching this movie. I feel the movie is too short and has too huge of a pacing problem for a movie that was finished a couple of years ago.

Dialogue is well done and humor is found throughout the film which eases some of the tension. It's always nice to see good lines and some comedy every once and awhile.

While not as good as the preview made it look like it'd be, Seventh Son is a decent movie that I feel deserves a 7.5/10. It has a great sense of wonder, but I feel the pacing and mediocrity in some areas kill a lot of what could've made this a 10/10. Some more world- building and a longer run time could've fixed this problem. Anyways, I don't think this is a 3/10 or anything and I feel this movie was unfairly judged. For one of the movies I was most hyped for this year, the film disappoints a lot, but I won't say it's terrible.
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