Worth a look, especially for the sophomoric titillation that it is.
25 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
OUR OWN SISTER, Joanne Ryan (1942-1990) once described IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD as being; "Everyone in Hollywood sand bring your car!" So too this sort of All-Star ensemble comedy could be capsulized in similar fashion. More is better, bigger and much more expen$I've; that's the idea here.

EHEN VIEWED THROUGH the benefit of hindsight, which is always 20-20, the basic premise of this picture seems to be pretty tame by today's standard. But once we transport ourselves to the mid to late 1960's, we can see just why this would have an appeal to audiences then.

IN SHORT, WHAT we have is a series of mini episodes about the age old sport and activity of philandering; everyone of which act as a sort of "How To" instructional video. They are done up as short, unrelated and star-studded cameo appearances by a myriad of Hollywood's best. As each of the fine points of hanky-panky are demonstrated as master womanizer, Robert Morse gives pointers to neophyte and wannabe cheater, Walter Matthau.

TO OUR WAY of thinking, the roles could well have been reversed; but then again, playing parts that go against type are oft the meat of the thespian. Following this idea to its most challenging fruition could lead to some most interesting bits of casting.

HOW'S ABOUT TRYING a Biblical Epic with Rip Taylor portraying John the Baptist?
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