Black Magic M-66 (1987 Video)
A pilot that was never picked up
30 July 2015
A cyberpunk story written by Masamune Shirow while in college. The comic was published in February 25, 1983, a year and some change before Terminator 1 was released in theaters. It's clear that Masamune's fascination with futuristic technology and bad chicks has been there since the beginning of his career. Black Magic M66 is his freshman project and it shows. The manga is only one volume long and is paced extremely fast, certain things happen in the story that isn't the most logical; but works well to move it along quickly. In its defense, it was most likely never thought to be published while it was being made. The late 70s and 80s had an absurd amount of cyberpunk anime, but Shirow's body of work is the Magnum Opus of the genre. It's worth watching just for its historical place in story telling, if nothing else.
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