Midsomer Murders: Echoes of the Dead (2011)
Season 14, Episode 3
Average At Best
18 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The most recent episode I've watched. Some sloppy police work here, especially with the mirror in the bathroom with the writing on it. Now that mirror happens to be evidence. Evidence that should be removed to the police evidence locker. But no, that mirror stays on the wall. And the final scene of this episode shows John Barnaby, for some reason in the dead of night no less, with flashlight in hand, entering the house where the first victim was found. He makes his way to the bathroom, where she was found, and there is that mirror, still on the wall. And what does our detective do? Why he wipes the message off that mirror. Oh my, destroying evidence no less.

Earlier on, we are tipped who the guilty person is. How? Well. throughout the history of MSM the Christian religion has received quite a bit of bad treatment by the writers/producers. And here, early on, shortly after the first victim is discovered, the man that is the murderer is sitting at the local pub. Where he tells those near him that they ought to go to the local church and pray for the victim's soul Their reactions to this tells it all. Had I been more alert I would have known that he was the murderer, it is all so obvious.

The denouement is silly as well, we really cannot believe this man would do these killings for the reason given. Farce, really. And John Barnaby gets really upset at one murder only. Yep, the female who wanted to have a same-sex marriage sets him off.

The treatment that this Barnaby gives Jones is bad. At one point he refers to Jones as a donkey. And this Barnaby loves to laud his degree in psychology over Jones. Boorish at the least. His (Barnaby's) air of superiority is a big fail, one wonders if future episodes will tone this boorish behavior down. It is a real drag.

The clubby chumminess that existed throughout the Tom Barnaby era is sorely missing, and sorely needed. But this Barnaby has already sternly warned Ben off of coming over to the house. Ouch.
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