Entourage (2015)
For someone who never watched the show I did enjoy this much more than I expected to. Fans of the show may like it a lot.
7 September 2015
"It doesn't matter what a movie costs, only what it makes." Vince (Grenier) is trying to decide on his next movie project. When he chooses a big budget special effects driven movie everyone is excited, until he announces he want's to direct. His new agent Ari (Piven) is willing to help him, but when a problem occurs with the financiers the movie, and everyone's careers are on the line. I have never seen this series. The reason I never wanted to see it was that the characters, from what I saw in the previews, really bugged me. It seemed like a Sex in the City with men and the self absorbed-ness of that really turned me off. I had that mindset going in to this. I have to say that I did think the movie was actually really entertaining. A few of the characters did really annoy me and based off of that I still will not watch the series. The characters are fine in small doses, so that said I will admit that I liked this movie. Overall, for someone who never watched the show I did enjoy this much more than I expected to. Fans of the show may like it a lot. I surprisingly give it a high B.
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