Fun to watch with friends! Otherwise Sh*t
29 August 2015
I don't know what the other person who reviewed this film was thinking. The movie is heartfelt but the quality is very VERY poor.

In the beginning, a bunch of orphans find some magical crystal and decide to follow it on an adventure to find father Christmas (Rip off Santa Clause) and save Christmas. (Note: There seems to be no knowledge of Christianity in this universe so the name of a holiday based on Jesus's B-Day seems kinda out of place). As far as we could tell, none of the kids had personalities that remained constant.The two boys look and act like members of Green Day and the girls appear to have had all personality sand-blasted off and replaced with a happy go lucky attitude. Over the course of the next hour and a half, they meet a collection of actors and scenes which failed to make the final cut in the recent Hobbit movies. We have a Aragorn ripoff with too much eyeliner. A token elf lady straight from the cliché isle and the local fantasy surplus store. And a troll that was actually kidnapped of a New Zealand set.

Additionally, many of the scenes seem to be directly copy-pasted from one or more of the Middle Earth based movies. I stoop up in shock at one of the last scenes in the movie (Spoiler Alert: They meet father Christmas) where the characters literally copy the exact movement of their lord of the rings counterparts in a scene taken from the two towers.

Somewhere down the line they run into a dragon. To Put it lightly, the special effects have much to be desired. The dragon looks... Extremely fake. No seriously. This movie has many practical effects but the dragon was made by a high school student with half a semester of graphic arts and an addiction to Manga. Every time it comes on the screen, it immediately makes you chortle with laughter at it's pure and unadulterated ridiculousness.

That being said, I'm giving this movie a 7/10 because it is legitimately fun to watch with a group of friends. We had an awesome time giving each of the characters nicknames (Can you guess who each of these are?, Token Elf, Billy Joel Armstrong, Green Day drummer, Gretchen Wieners, Middle School Romeo, The Band known as Kiss, Bearded muscle, a Less Hot Natalie Dormer, and creepy Jack Sparrow). Additionally the writing and plot hole created many opportunities to pause the movie and roll around in uncontrollable merriment. You will definitely find your favorite ridicules moment. My favorite was the line declared in front of the aged Father Christmas (Who by the way looks exactly like a dwarf from the hobbit and has a barely intelligible accent) "He's not dead, he's just old"

I highly suggest this movie if you want to just have a good time laughing at how bad cinema can get.
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