This film tries too hard. If it had been toned down a bit, it would play better today.
17 September 2015
"Everybody Sing" is a film that SHOULD have been better. Regardless, it did give young Judy Garland a chance to impress audiences with her singing...even if the film leaves a lot to be desired. What do I mean by this? Well, the film tries to be kooky- -with a kooky family much like the ones in "My Man Godfrey" or "You Can't Take it With You". However, it fails in this for several reasons. First, the writing isn't that good. There is a fine line between making people goofy and fun or making them annoying and shrill--the film definitely leans towards the latter. Second, the director really lost control of this film. If they had just slowed down the pace a bit, it really could have helped. Instead, folks too often shout their lines quickly...and it's very unnatural and fatiguing for the audience.

So is there anything I liked about this one? Not especially, but as I mentioned, you hear Judy sing a few nice tunes--as one that will make you cringe! Seeing her sing "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" in black-face and pickininny braids is just embarrassing and sad. Just don't say I didn't warn you about that one!!

By the way, the film has a pretty good cast and utterly wastes it. Sadly, one of the best supporting actors of his day, Monty Woolley is lost in the chaos! Fanny Brice, on the other hand, is coarse and awful...about par for the course for her.
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