Karol - The Pope, the Man (2006 TV Movie)
Riveting retelling of the life (from his appointment as Pope to death) of Karol Wojtyla
17 September 2015
Nice and fascinating biopic about the great Pope from his mature period until death . The film concerns about the majestic figure , the Polish Karol Wojtyla (Piotr Adamczyk ) who was elected Pope , the first no Italian from 1523 , being brought to life at much expense and with great sense and deep sensibility . This is a sequel to ¨Karol, Uomo Diventato Papa¨ (original title , 2005) also titled "Karol : A Man Who Became Pope" regarding his life since his youth in Poland , the early years , until his appointment as Pope of the Catholic church in Rome (1978) , it started on October 12 , 1939 when the evil men Nazis get taken the world , as Nazis have invaded Poland . Karol assisted the holiness call and goes into the seminar and as priest he serves his first mass . After that , he's appointed bishop and Cardinal and subsequently is elected Pope . This following dealt with his fruitful pontiff (1978-2005) and the pastoral journeys he made to America , Mexico , Salvador and many other countries , making an intense diplomatic labour and problems that were taking place in the Catholic church , including the 1981 attack by Ali Agca , and their subsequent meeting and redemption . Concerning his relationship to historical characters such as bishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero y Goldamez (Carlos Kaniowsky) , sadly murdered , Mother Theresa de Calcuta (Adriana Asti) , Lech Walesa and also killed priest Jerzy Popieluszko (Fabrice Scott) and including Coup de'Etat in Poland (on December 12 , 1981) carried out by Jaruzelski . Thanks to his unshakable tenacity , Pope John Paul II helps to change the course of history : liberty in Poland helped by Lech Walesa and the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 decrees the collapse of Communism . But the Pope does not stop being the voice of Christ, even among the injustices of the capitalistic Western world , even among the provocations and challenges of modern times , as developing the faith to inspire millions begins with the power of one .

As this follow-up with similar actors and director deals with Pope Juan Paul II who must confront these adversities and misfortunes , he suffers cruel experiences but the God's faith and the love is the cure for the badness . Karol continuing consoling the mankind , renovating the moral sense and thoughts , giving hope and fighting for human rights . The film captures splendidly the goodness and generosity of the immortal Pope well played by Piotr Adamczyk . When John Paul II returned to Poland for the first time after his election seven year old Adamczyk was in the crowd . Footage of the real Pope John Paul II , albeit with his face obscured , was used for a few scenes . This film's release smashed box office records in Pope John Paul II's native Poland . The movie that held the previous record as Poland's biggest box office boom was another Pope John Paul II biopic , ¨Pope John Paul II¨ (2005) . The motion picture was magnificently played by an excellent plethora of actors such as Leslie Hope , Daniela Giordano , Carlos Kaniowsky , Raoul Bova , Michele Placido , and Adriana Asti as Mother Theresa . Special mention for touching , evocative musical score by the classic Ennio Morricone . The picture was finely directed by Giacomo Battiato , a specialist on accurate biopic , as he directed autobiography stories about Giovane Casanova , Benvenuto Cellini and Stradivari .

Other films about this majestic figure are the followings : ¨¨Have No Fear : The Life of Pope John Paul II¨ (2005) (TV) by Jeff Bleckner with Thomas Kretschmann as Pope John Paul II , Joaquim de Almeida as Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero and Bruno Ganz as Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski ; "Pope Juan Pablo II¨ by Herbert Wise with Albert Finney and Brian Cox , and ¨From a Far Country¨ (1981) by Zanussi with Sam Neill , Christopher Cazenove , Lisa Harrow and Daniel Olbrychski . In addition , the first part titled ¨Karol : A Man Who Became Pope" (2005) with Piotr Adamczyk as Karol Wojtyla , Ken Duken as Adam Zielinski , Raoul Bova , Kenneth Welsh and Violante Placido . And ¨Pope John Paul II¨ (2005) by John Kent Harrison with John Voight , James Cromwell as Cardinal Adam Sapieha , Christopher Lee as Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski , Ben Gazzara as Cardinal Agostino Casaroli ,Vittoria Belvedere as Eva and the recently deceased Giuliano Gemma as Navarro Valls .
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