Ridiculously Overrated
26 September 2015
This movie popped up many times in my Netflix stream and I ignored it because it didn't really sound interesting. Eventually, I decided to give it a shot; something so highly rated on IMDb is worth it. I watched the movie with my family at home, who are not an easy crowd and I often defend my choices against their harsh opinions.

However, this time, what a bore! This movie has no conflict. You've got a man whose story was that he was poor and became a sushi master (this is maybe 5 minutes of the movie). There is no critique of the chef, just endless praise.

A couple things are interesting, such as the fish shopping and the difficulties the workers experience due to the perfectionism of Jiro. The other good aspect is the cinematography. Beautiful shots of sushi placed on plates. There is a little more information about Jiro's philosophy of food.

The rest of the movie I can't even recall. It's slow, uninformative, and completely biased. There is nothing to keep your attention in this film. I find nothing interesting about a chef who is good at his specialty and maintains an unopposed mastery of it.

If they wanted to make this a good movie and Jiro is really "perfect," at least show critics of his food being berated for not liking the food. Another thing that would have made this interesting is to learn more about the fish market or spend more than just a few minutes on the history of sushi or his upbringing. These things feel like footnotes to a long standing ovation to someone who has mastered sushi.

I just can't believe the almost unanimous positive reaction the film gets. I was so disappointed, I had to give my two cents. I have defended many movies to my family but besides what I mentioned above as positives, I couldn't find anything to outweigh the dragging pace and conflict-less story of Jiro Dreams of Sushi.
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