Review of Operator

Operator (I) (2015)
Hello operator, is this the Samaritans?
24 October 2015
There occasionally comes a film so mind numbingly bad that it brings me to tears of rage. Step forward 'Operator', a film that's only discernible feature is a quite well done explosion towards the end of the film, an explosion that presumably blew up the film budget as well as the building.

This is my first ever review and, as I type through the tears of anger and despair, I question my very existence for subjecting myself to the entirety (88 minutes) of the film, watching in disbelief as the acting and transparent plot steadily deteriorated from its excruciatingly painful first half hour. I challenge anybody to find a film with worse acting than that which is contained within this tedious drivel.

I sat open mouthed in a boredom induced coma, as the actors delivered their lines minus any form of emotion, which is quite bizarre given the centrepiece of the plot involves the daughter of two of the main characters. The acting is so bad that it has given me hope that a life in films awaits me, and so I have chosen the sensible option and quit my 9-5 job to head to Hollywood.

This film gets 1/10 for the following reasons ;

1. There is no 0/10 option

2. The aforementioned explosion was the most believable thing in the whole film
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