Game of Thrones: The Old Gods and the New (2012)
Season 2, Episode 6
The fall of Winterfell
10 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Things in the North take a dramatic twist when the Stark's home of Winterfell is taken by Theon Greyjoy and his Iron Islanders. Theon forces young Bran Stark to yield the town in order to protect his people; the people of Winterfell are not keen to support the treacherous Theon though; especially when he beheads Ser Rodrik Cassel. The only person who seems willing to switch sides is the Wildling Osha… and trusting her could be a mistake. Back in King's Landing the people let King Joffrey know what they think of him and Sansa is almost killed in the ensuing riot. North of the wall the Night's Watch run into a group of Wildlings and Jon takes one, a woman named Ygritte, prisoner… he is told he will have to kill her but is unable to do so and she escapes; by the time he catches up with her he has lost contact with his comrades. Across the Narrow Sea Daenerys continues to try to acquire ships but nobody wants to help… and then something terrible happens; what is the 'Mother of Dragons' if she no longer has her dragons?

This was another really good episode where loyalties are questioned and many characters are endangered. While the odious Joffrey remains the least likable character in the series Theon is showing that he can be almost as despicable as he seizes Winterfell and kills Rodrik Cassel… Alfie Allen does a fine job in the role. We also get to see that Wildling women are as tough as most men as both Osha and new character Ygritte show just what they can do; actresses Natalia Tena and Rose Leslie made is believe just how tough these characters were in their different ways. While I'm sure that few people would consider 'Game of Thrones' to be a feminist series it does have a lot of great actresses playing strong roles; others include young Maisie Williams who, as Arya Stark, easily holds her own in her scenes with veteran actor Charles Dance and Emilia Clarke who manages to capture both the toughness and the more vulnerable side of Daenerys. Overall this episode nicely advanced the plot and left me keen to see what happens next.
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