Pat O'Brien plays one of the biggest jerks in his long career in this film.
14 November 2015
When "I Sell Anything" begins, you see that 'Spot Cash' Cutler (Pat O'Brien) is an auctioneer at a really sleazy joint. He employs shills to help him drive up the prices and cheats customer after customer with phony stories and hollow promises. Eventually, he meets up with Barbara (Ann Dvorak) and despite his being hard-edged and nasty, she falls for him. He also meets up with a high-class lady (Clair Dodd) who buys some crap off him...and it turns out to be worth quite a bit and Cutler is angry that one of his customers actually DID get a bargain! Which one will he fall in love with...the poor lady in need or the one sharp enough to actually best him? And which one is best for the 'ol rogue?

So is this any good? Well, it's a mixed bag. A HUGE problem is that no one is very likable--especially Cutler. You want him to be destroyed since he is a crook. But, O'Brien is amusing nonetheless and the film worth seeing, though hardly a must-see.
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