AfterDeath (2015)
boom goes the afterlife - oh well god sucked anyway.
22 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
AfterDeath 2015 review/commentary spoilers abound - if you've seen it let me know your thoughts.

For thriller/supernatrual - it was.. eh. I wasn't scared, but - they didn't pull any of the cheep pop ups - mostly this movie shows a universe / world / afterlife where everyone goes to hell - because no one is good. the demon/devil smoke monster from lost is there and its sort of / kind of creepy but not really , its more of a force - it has lots of power - but its evil? I guess - it can send people to heaven but never did - but with one of the women controlling it, it does - then all of eternity stops existing - no more hell or heaven since if a sinner enters heaven the whole thing crumbles. BUT - at the end - its unclear if they won, or not.

Overall - the scare factor was just not there -the people are dead, and they can't die - but they can be hurt. They have no pulse or blood but they breath - the question of how the male can get it up is never answered - good question too that one. Huh. Is the demon letting him do that so the demon can feed of the sin of lust or something? Isn't the demon all powerful - but its not, since the woman and outside objects (from the real world) can stop/hurt it - and hey I guess you can take stuff with you as objects from "the real world" can come with you, but that makes more questions then it answers and the movie's logic really falls flat, again. The ghostly pushing from the outside "hell" is a neat effect, I guess it is mildly disturbing but -eh.

You get the sense that the lead woman had an abortion - but its never said - so.... okay? Like - the whole movie they have her seeing a crying baby. At the end semi-possessed by the demon/devil thing she holds her stomic - as if it is her baby. But... she doesn't say "I had an abortion, my baby would also be in hell -so yeah, sending the sinner to heven to destroy hell (and heven but no one is there) would make far more sense - but ... maybe it got left of on the cutting room floor or something.

However the lead woman says something that I thought was great - "If you see God, tell him to f--- off." ah, brilliant.

Right if a sinner gets to heaven, sees God - heaven's not going to be there long - because the whole afterlife is going to crumble - it would have been a great pay off to see a glimpse of heaven - all nice and prim and proper and some angelic face and then when the sinner shows up its face is like "OH SHI" face and snap booom.

So - on a scale of 0 to 10 I was 3 for creep out/scared (0 being not at all) I guess I would say its not a bad movie - its a logicaly flawed low budget try at something I hadn't seen before and I like the idea of ending the after life and that no one is saved - that the better way is no after life rather then one where everyone goes to hell - but I think I would have loved it even more had it been that the sinners find out that there are people in heaven - that they are going to hell , but figure out some way to sneak in/trick the demon/devil into sending them to heaven so they can destroy the after life since no afterlife is better then one where anyone - even one person goes to hell.

But - that is just me. If you want to kill some time I would say this is a good movie to do it with, it has some good ideas in it, some okay acting not great, not horrible , just - kind of a time killer movie. 
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