Red Surf (1989)
Clooney was just getting started...
2 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
James Remar is a former professional surfer who now parties hard by day & by night works with his crew as a drug runner, smuggling cocaine for a dangerous drug lord named Calavera. Remar's burning-the-candle-at-both-ends lifestyle is putting a wedge between him & his pregnant girlfriend Rebecca, but this pales in comparison to the large drug deal that Remar is working on. When one of his friends is arrested & becomes an informant for the police, Calavera decides to terminate the gang with extreme prejudice.

Before he became a superstar in the 1990s, George Clooney was working in cheap thrillers like Red Surf. This film also had onboard Gene Simmons as the crew's resident security 'consultant' & small-time actor & future Albert Pyun associate Vincent Klyn as a heavy.

Red Surf is an unexceptional film to put it bluntly. It has a concept that is decidedly average & has become a sort of plot cliché for the majority of the 1990s & beyond. The action scenes are the film's highlight but lack a certain excitement element that makes such scenes pale in comparison to the stuff other action cheapies managed to make out of. The two action scenes that do appear in the film – a chase on the water between Clooney's crew's jet skis & a thug on a speedboat & the climactic shootout that has some glaring goofs on display (one character's weapon changes twice within seconds & another's weapon appears without a magazine yet still fires) – are lacking in entertainment value.

Having said that, George Clooney rules the show with his trademark intensity & unpredictable manner that he would perfect by the time of FROM DUSK TILL DAWN. It's a shame that he is killed off before the end of the film. Gene Simmons kicks butt with style & Rick Najera makes a decidedly dangerous drug lord.
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