Inside Out (I) (2015)
A fantastically crafted animations
3 December 2015
Pixar have created some of the best animations that can spring to many a persons mind, Inside Out is an addition that is just as excellent as you might hope it to be. The way in which this movie mixes not just fun but emotion and how we deal with it well it makes this much more profound and adds a lot of meaning. The movie basically is all about Riley, or to be way more specific inside Riley's head with all her emotions being little well, who knows actually, they are just emotions with bodies. Of course the movie isn't all just in Riley's head, we see Riley act out the emotions she feels and how it affects her new life as her and her family start a new life in San Francisco. The movie is crafted how animation should be with vivid colours and great detail, but add to that a sweet story in the middle and you have one absolutely fantastic little film.

After the hugely popular "Up" in 2009, Pete Docter directs and co- writes a Pixar animation yet again and does a very good job making this look absolutely beautiful. The animation is also in fantastic detail in regards to that this movie is all made up mostly architecture wise with it being majority within Riley's head which contains a mind HQ, A vast array of memories stored and thrown away and even a dream production company who decide what Riley will be dreaming about that night. The film is massive in its scale and yet set in such a small space really; the people behind this really have used imagination to an extent that this must be one of the best thought out animations ever.

With the emotions come voice cast like Amy Poehler (Joy), Phyllis Smith (Sadness), Bill Hader (Fear), Mindy Kaling (Disgust) and Lewis Black as Anger who really feels like he is about to swear at any moment he is on screen. The characters are fun but the voice cast are game too and really create a great sense of well character, I loved Poehler as Joy who is basically the main character of this movie but really all the little emotions and all the things living within Riley's mind are great fun and really well thought up.

The film has as said a meaning to it, more than just big jumps and rolls and a fun little adventure, sure it has that but it also deals with basically depression which then goes on to show that it can strike anyone of any age however happy they may seem to be. The film of course is no psychoanalysis studies piece but it is on the surface a film that breaks down barriers where really the main character is not always a happy one and does suffer. I really have to applaud the movie for exploring such things which really aren't what you might expect from an animated movie which is let's face it directed toward the kids in society but it does it in a way where anyone of any age can feel for the movie and also find it fantastic.

So Inside Out, an animated film that really is something a little special and something I found hard not to love just a little. It also I think can show that not all grown ups are ever fully out of there childhood, this is so fun it is hard not to watch it a little like being a child again and although the young one's will enjoy this, the adults should too. Pixar have yet again created something super fun and actually really important, hats off to the studio for really bringing something new to the animation game and showing that there is plenty of life left in Pixar.
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