A small masterpiece
8 December 2015
Two years before Aamir Khan starred the masterpiece "Three Idiots" , he produced, directed and starred this other masterpiece that as "Three Idiots" covered the topic of education but in a deeper and touching way telling the story of Ishaan, a dyslexic eight year old kid, who his teachers and family are unable to understand until he meets a new teacher ( Aamir Khan) who will help him with his dyslexia problem and also will help him to develop his talented skills for painting...

The film is simply perfect, it has some musical moments and just one musical number but is AWESOME and fits perfectly with the film, the kid who plays the leading role is fantastic and Aamir Khan is brilliant as always... The movie is almost three hours long but time passes so fast while watching it that you don't even notice...

the touching story contains a very deep inner message , tells that education is not indoctrination and every child is special in its own way...Is sad to see how our educational system don't find for efficiency over results and leave out to those students who in some way don't blindly follow the established norms....

Aamir Khan was the man who made me feel interested and love the Hindi cinema when I first watched "Three idiots" and this film just made me admire him even more...He is an awesome artist...

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