The 'Star Wars' plot was inevitable; had that storyline failed, the show would be forever gone
19 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
As I was watching this episode, it dawned on me something quite huge: if this episode fails, "The Big Bang Theory" is eternally screwed. It takes a group of nerds and places them in the midst of an event we have all been waiting for: the release of Ep VII. And thankfully, "The Opening Night Excitation" for the most part, does work pretty well although it is hardly deserving of an IMDb rating of 9.4!

The gang have pre-ordered tickets for the opening night release of "Star Wars". Months later, as the day draws closer, Sheldon realizes that the opening night conflicts with Amy's birthday and ultimately, decides to go celebrate her birthday rather than seeing the movie he's been dying to see. In the meantime, the guys are forced to take another guest to the film, in place of Sheldon.

This is the aspect of the plot that is totally unrealistic and implausible: why would Sheldon go to celebrate his girlfriend's birthday over "Star Wars"? The writers completely missed out on what an important occasion this is for Sheldon, and threw it away weakly.

Berneadette is as annoying as ever, her facial expressions and her voice still remain one of the most irritating aspects of this show. As Bearnedette became more and more of a key character, the show's quality began to decline increasingly. Penny offers very little humour to the episode, and Kaley Cuocou continually gets those big cheques for doing nothing!

I am still having a bit of a hard time accepting the fact that Sheldon and Amy have engaged in coitus. But it is done well enough that I am able to interpret it as being away from Amy so long has pushed him to a position where he is more open with her, and willing to make decisions he wasn't the first time around. The problem with this show in general is it does not build up its characters well at all. As such, motives such as Sheldon's in this episode cannot quite so easily be justified.

Bob Newhart makes another guest appearance as Force Ghost Proton, and he is again great in this reprising role. However, the episode truly shines with Wil Wheaton and his attendance to the "Star Wars" premiere dressed in "Star Trek" attire. That was classic!

"The Opening Night Excitation" is actually funny. From the opening scene alone, there does seem to be a better injection of humour into the story. This is the plot that could not fail, and it certainly does not. The episode offers some heart, enough humour and just enough oddities that it is an above average "Big Bang Theory" episode.
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