Drive Hard (2014)
Warm hearted corny Aussie B grade flick
22 December 2015
I had to actually look up this movie online to check if it was really Tom Jane and John Cusack I was watching, both are a little older and somewhat thinner.

Both these actors have been around a long time and well respected.

Yet in this film, Jane and Cusack were not their usually selves, albeit in a good way, it's like they let go of Hollywood, fame and fortune to just do what they wanted to do and have a hell of a lot of fun in the process.

Drive Hard is a stupid, corny Aussie flick and I loved every single moment of it. Tom Jane looks as clueless as Jeff Daniels in Dumber and Dumber, and John Cusack, well he just look genuinely off the renovations.

Bother actors performed wonderfully, the film is somewhat B grade, the Aussie accents are terrible.

There are a few cool Muscle cars, some unstable Bikies, a service station attendant with an itchy trigger finger, and completely psychotic grandma, not to mention a few egotistic cops thrown into the mix.

Good job guys for going out on a limb to make something different regardless of what others think.

I really enjoyed this film and haven't laughed that hard for some time.
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