Worse than the original, and nowhere near as fun
27 December 2015
While the original Jack Frost was terrible, yet fun to watch, Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant, Killer Snowman, is just terrible. The main characters surviving from the first encounter with the murderous Jack are back here, as is Scott MacDonald as Jack himself. However, whatever it was that made the first film fun is sorely missing here. The effects are terrible, the dialogue is terrible, the acting is terrible, and I could go on and on. I think the original film found the perfect balance of serious and humorous moments. It balanced telling a (completely illogical) story with just the right dose of not taking itself seriously. This movie just threw story out the window and put all its eggs in the "not take itself seriously" basket. The filmmakers shouldn't be faulted for this, as a movie about a killer snowman should never take itself seriously. However, without some kind of effort put forth to make you care about the characters, then even cheese like this can turn your stomach. While the original will always be a crappy horror classic, this sequel comes off as an attempt at milking money out of an idea. I don't recommend this movie.
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