Plays with genre tropes in a really fun way while still touching on some serious themes.
1 February 2016
This episode was packed full of jokes, a lot of them commenting on the formula of the show. A lot were hit, a lot were miss. Some of the misses were painfully awkward, but a lot of the hits are painfully funny. The jokes fly at you so fast with such multitude that the net result is positive. The episode pulls this off with the help of a great bunch of guest comedians.

The thing that really elevates this episode for me is that the self-aware, self-parodying aspects aren't just used for a cheap laugh, they also tie in to hints of character development and a more serious theme underlying the episode. I wish they had been just a slight bit less obvious with the underlying message (man is monstrous), but I was genuinely impressed with the integration of character arc into this silly little story.

Ultimately, it's an enjoyable experience. It isn't a perfect episode, but its mistakes feel corny, a welcome change from the wooden aspects of "My Struggle".
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