Not as black as the book
4 March 2016
People who have written bad, simple minded reviews have no idea what they are talking about.

The book is the one book I couldn't take reading, it's a lot more cynical and black, but the style is very cool, as all books by Nivel. They are fast, they are black, they are pop literature. So, that this movie is based on a contemporary bestseller known for it's incredible dark style should be a clue.

Second - the actors are such a cool choice, not only the lead character, but also Moritz Bleitreu, e. g. and others. Look them up, if you don't know any European actors.

Third - music choices were great! Partly a kind of parody on that British happy-happy-jump-jump Techno _from the 90ies_ but also very fitting: The Prodigy and others from that time. Lots and lots of other very funny parodies, loved the girl band with the strings.

4. Worcaholism and Drug use in London, career pressure, etc. are not unrealistic at all, nothing unusual shown, people kicking others out, going through their things, etc. (well I hope the murders are not normal).

Finally - British Pop Culture, and British Black Comedy. This should have given the final clue. Don't watch it if you don't like the genre.
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