The Impact of the Spotlight
9 March 2016
The People vs O.J. Simpson: Marcia, Marcia, Marcia (2016)

This sixth episode in the series, as the title states, focuses in on Marcia Clark (Sarah Paulson) and the impact that the trial is starting to have on her. Not only is she having to prosecute the Crime of the Century but she's also dealing with her ex-husband trying to get custody of their children as well as being on every magazine cover and television with people making fun of her looks.

The sixth episode in the FX series once again is an excellent one but this one here gets its drama in another way than previous episodes. Previously the show worked its magic by highlight big moments from the trial as well as giving us a behind-the-scenes look at the battles going on but this one here gets drama from seeing the pain and destruction that the trial was having on Clark. The episode works wonders due to Paulson's excellent and believable performance as well as the script that manages to pack in the embarrassment and damage that personal things reaching the media had on someone who wasn't used to dealing with the media.

Episode: A
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