Simply uninteresting.
28 March 2016
I'm not a Jane Austin fan, that should be mentioned first. Not that I find her works boring but they simply aren't my cup of tea. I read Pride and Prejudice in a first year literary class, but it was a fairly dull experience for me, and I have never picked up Mansfield Park once.

As a film, it is not even an eventful one. A kind of coming to age, rags to riches and back again kind of plot line. Although there were some beautiful settings and some extremely nice costuming, I never really felt that I was witnessing this period drama in the 1800's. I was trying not to laugh at most of the actors, taking themselves exceptionally seriously in roles that they obviously did not fit in. The main character was rather blasé at best. The morality of some of the characters were simply selfish, even when they were not trying to be, by simply trying to improve their social settings. By the end of the film, nobody had really changed, but just become more aged and experienced as one would expect. In the end, the women of the story overcome their respective obstacles and then it stops like an overly long bus trip. You need a meal and a nap at the end of this film.

I would assume you have to enjoy Jane Austin novels to enjoy this film. If you are not into period pieces, give this one a miss.

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