Conspiracy story
1 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I know, it's not a popular review. Today, I had the good fortune to watch this, while there's a referendum going on between the Dutch and Ukraine. This film was part of the pro politics.

First of all, understand that Fedor was introduced as either a stranger, not from this world, or a genius (the last, if you're smart apparently).

Then he unveils his possible idea of how thing went in the Tjernobyl disaster of 1986. In his theory he links Sovietpolitics with a coordinated nuclear disaster to cover up tracks. This part seems promising at first. With that he caught my interest.

But soon you will find yourself wondering that what it lacks, is the search for truth, and to find documents. It's not going to happen. No hard evidence. It's all a bit weak and based on ideas (his idea to be specific).

One would say that a lot had been said and written on the matter over the course of 30 years after Tjernobyl..

Then he is concerned that some KGB/FSB service will come and look for him, as soon as he's requesting documents. So....., he doesn't. He's a bit paranoid in this phase.

Then the Maidan revolution breaks out, and all of a sudden, he has no problem whatsoever to tell his 'Tjernobyltruth' as a fact.. Because Moscow has been doing this since the beginning of the Soviet Union for some reason. He even relates events in the order of Holodomor (Stalin), Tjernobyl (Gorbatsjov), and finally Maidan (Putin), and summarizes this as 'Moscow behavior'.

I would consider this as biased propaganda or a conspiracy theory at best, as there's no backing of his story. It was very disappointing, he should be able to do better.
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