Fear the Walking Dead: Monster (2016)
Season 2, Episode 1
Blah, Blah, Blah.
10 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Blah Blah Blah, Blah Blah. Useless talking 101 here. Not even a hint of any quality to redeem itself that at least The Walking Dead has (but isn't that great in itself) Here's why I'm giving this a 1/10.

The show itself if a low quality The Walking Dead, so it already lost the potential of being better than the original series. There is no mistake, Fear the Walking Dead is far different that The Walking Dead. Different pace, different focus, different quality. The first 5 minutes of this episode was a lazy attempt to get the show rolling after a quite forgettable first season. A splash of character idiocy, a pinch of crapping looking zombie fighting with some "intense" background killed the episode before it could really start. With me (and probably many others) forgetting most of the first season, it had a true potential to chose any path, and it chose a bad one.

After the startup, we enter a phase of just, as I said before, Blah Blah Blah, Blah Blah. Who cares. If this show isn't going to be a character driven story, unlike The Walking Dead was in its beginning, then just shut up and do something. And by something I mean something useful. The old dude was literally mopping the deck of a boat. The big discussion should have been "Where do we go", but that was instantly decided to be San Diego, after the captain said they should avoid people (news flash writers, San Diego is a city). The next big discussion was the boat of people that they should or shouldn't save. This discussion was used and thrown out the window in like 3 minutes. Its like these peoples humanity has disappeared almost completely. This is something that took 4 seasons to happen to the people in The Walking Dead, and now these people have thrown out the "humanity" discussion in a matter of 3 minutes. Talk about getting rid of useful dialogue.

So with the absence of both useful dialogue and events, we came face to face with uselessness. People talking to themselves, people giving people advice on how to change their bandages. People mopping the floor. People apologizing cause they are "sorry" something bad happened. The extreme laziness of the character development is utterly pointless since we all know that the show will rely on random crazy action scenes to keep it afloat.

Now with that said, the episode tried to redeem itself with its random action. So the random fog pulls in, and the whiny kid jumps into the water along with the junky, and just abunch of illogical stuff after that. The fog is clearly there to compliment the idiocy of these characters, and there ignorance when it comes to checking their surrounds. The Walking Dead is already bad enough for this, this show has just become worse. Then in conclusion to the events that unfold in the following 5 minutes, they believe there are already "pirates" going around hunting boats. Another mad rush to jump past any humanity that should be remaining in the world.

A big point I want to raise is how this show had a lot of potential. The Walking Dead really began after all these events when Rick woke up. So this show has the originality to show what TWD couldn't, and that is how people initially react to the outbreak. But with the constant rush to get into killing people and not preserving humanities willingness to help those in need, it has wasted its only hope at living in the world of the walking dead. And that is quite why I fear the walking dead, because if this is the kind of material that the world of the walking dead creates, I fear for the brains of those who made this garbage.
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