Review of Monster

Fear the Walking Dead: Monster (2016)
Season 2, Episode 1
11 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Oh boy, where to begin? I understand that these are people who have had their entire worlds turned upside on them. I understand that they are going to be forced to make decisions they've never had to make before. I understand that it will take time to acclimate to a world gone to pot. But these people have been living with the slow collapse of society for quite a while now. At what point will they begin to understand they can make no mistakes - there are no second chances people! We have been treated to characters who:

Insist on bringing a dead person with them as they run for safe haven. Pout when they can't pull the boat over to rescue thirty people afloat on a raft. Chat up a stranger on the radio - and by the way, tell the stranger who and where they are. Fail to take the radio away from said Chatty Cathy. Decide out of the blue to go for a swim in the ocean. Then decide to swim through flotsam and jetsam of zombies to a capsized boat.

I'm sure I missed several extremely questionable decisions made by these imbeciles, but those are the ones that really burned me. I had really high hopes for this show, and I gave it the better part of the first season to get going, but these characters are just plain unlikeable. It's almost as if (with a couple exceptions) they simply refuse to accept the gravity of their situation. I truly hope the writers wake these people up in a hurry because I want the show to succeed.
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