The 'Burbs (1989)
A Slightly Dark Romp Through Suburbia
15 April 2016
The 'Burbs were one of those semi-clean comedies that my mother and father approved of in our VHS library when I was a child. Directed by Joe Dante (of Gremlins fame), and featuring some of the biggest names from the 1980's, it's a movie that still is still hilarious from a somewhat gentler political time.

Tom Hanks and Carrie Fisher play the central family unit during a weekend holiday, representing the ideal American family living somewhere in unknown suburbia. Every neighbour plays a wonderful caricature of the typical melting pot that makes the U.S such a weird and wonderful place to live. There is a retired war veteran (Bruce Dern), and his beautiful young wife (Wendy Schaal) ready to play taps and raise the American flag every morning. The young rock and roller (Corey Feldman), left home alone for the weekend with a few chores to do around the house, but will spend the majority of this weekend drinking beer and running amok. And the 'everyman' neighbour Art (Rick Ducommun) who plays the instigating and downright rude best friend to the main character. Each one brings a different persona to this crazy little neighbourhood, and they blend well together.

The plot revolves around a family of recluses, the Klopek family, who rumour has it are mentally disturbed, extremely secretive, maybe even homicidal. Every neighbour has a different story to tell about them, and following a night of a massive power outage, the rumours spread quickly. Ray Peterson (Tom Hanks) becomes quickly paranoid and the neighbours become more and more aggressive when it comes to finding out what's going on in the Klopek's house. It doesn't take long before a few of the more suspicious neighbours decide to sneak into their home and finally figure what's going on in their dilapidated home.

A comedy from a different generation, where breaking and entering was considered a petty crime. It's a fun romp through an a-typical U.S suburb, and even slightly dark at times. A definite classic in 80's comedy, before Tom Hanks entered the more dramatic era of his career.

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