The Jungle Book Is Destined To Be A Classic
21 April 2016
Yes, we know going in that much of this film is computer generated. In fact, when you check out the credits at the end, you will see a virtual plethora of artists involved in this venture. However, it isn't long before you lose all thought of this and simply get lost in the wonder and beauty of it all. Neel Sethi, as Mowgli, could not have been better cast if the entire world was combed for a boy to play him in this marvelous movie. The voices of Christopher Walken as King Louie, a gigantic monkey who would, indeed, be king, Ben Kingsley as Bagheera the protector and guardian of young Mowgli, Scarlett Johansson as a particularly seductive and slinky Kaa the Snake, Bill Murray as the irresistible. lovable bear, Baloo, and Idris Elba as a genuinely scarred and scary Shere Khan are excellent. As are Giancarlo Esposito and Lupita Nyong'o as Mowglie's wolf parents. The casting could not possibly be better. The best of the music has been preserved and worked into this venture, which only adds to the perfection. The actor, the voices, the scenery, there is not one single part of this picture not splendid. Stay for the credits at the end. Some of the cutest, most clever work can be seen there. Plus more of the singing of Christopher Walken. All I can say is enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
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