An inspiring well made historical drama
3 May 2016
Sometimes this kind of historical Drama Films tend to rush in story- telling letting voids in the script that leads to an incomprehensible mess that just the ones who are familiar with the story can comprehend. Fortunately "The King's Speech" have succeed where other has failed. The Director, Tom Hooper, has been able to perfectly condensate the story the whole story in two hours with a very fast paced rhythm that never decrease and a fabulous and very faithful recreation of the epoch in which the story takes place that drags you into the story from the beginning until the end.

The Film it's based on true events in the life of King George VI , The plot explores his troublesome relationship with his family but especially focus in the relationship with his speech therapist who helped him to overcome his problems of stammering.

Colin Firth plays the George VI in one of the finest performances of his career, he was able to display on the screen the vulnerability and insecurity of his character, portraying the man beyond the myth but his performance wouldn't be that great without the supporting role of Geoffrey Rush as his speech Therapist, he brings refreshing small doses of humour into the story, encouraging to the audience ,showing us that working hard there is nothing that we can't achieve. Their scenes together are the key of the Film, both actors together works perfectly as the fundamental pillars in which the whole movie relies on.

The Film was written by David Seidler, a man who suffered of stammering in his youth and was inspired in the story of King George to write the script that has been also adapted as a Theatre play. This is exactly what it makes this film so special, besides its undeniable quality as a film, it's very inspiring and encourage to everyone to overcome their fears and insecurities..

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