Ohm Krüger (1941)
A sad way to say goodbye
20 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Ohm Krüger" is a German movie from 1941 and if you look at the year, you will not only realize that this film has its 75th anniversary in 2016, but also that it was the years of World War II at this point and that this is a German Nazi propaganda film. A duo of writers adapted the novel here and there were also many directors working on the film. But it is a case of too many cooks spoiling the broth. It is the Nazis' perception of what happened in South Africa in the 19th century. There is a whole lot of irony to the entire thing looking at how Nazis perceived Blacks, but the main propaganda message is not about Blacks here, but about the English colonists. The character of Paul Kruger is used for this purpose. And he is played by Oscar-winning actor Emil Janning ins his last big role. With all he achieved previously in silent film especially, it is sad to see him collaborate with the Nazis on this occasion and on several other occasions. And this is also what my review title refers to. And what is even worse about this film is that it runs for easily over 2 hours and drags a lot. Even in the parts, when it is not obvious propaganda it is just a truly boring watch and drags a lot, so that I could not wait until the film is over. No justice done to Kruger at all. The character would have deserved a far superior movie. Jannings is not bad, but it is impossible for any actor to elevate the weak (sometimes despicable) material here. i absolutely do not recommend the watch. Major thumbs-down.
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