Marauders (2016)
Solid film with Byzantine plot and three-dimensional characters
2 July 2016
"Marauders" is surprisingly good for a modestly budgeted action/police procedural film with Bruce Willis in a paycheck performance. The plot is satisfyingly Byzantine. The characters are three dimensional with inner demons and conflicting loyalties. Christopher Meloni delivers a solid performance in the lead. He's apparently done a lot of television work that I've never seen, but eclipsed Travolta's performance in "I Am Wrath." Solid performances also by Grenier, Schaech and Ochse (although the skullcap isn't convincing). The Cincinnati locations are effective. Action scenes are limited in scope, but done competently. Lighting is effective, but cinematography is marred by excessive reliance on jiggly-cam, although some shots use a rigid camera mount of some type. At 107 minutes, it doesn't seem long and could even benefit by extending it to two hours to give more time to develop some of the subplots. Some of the nuances of the plot and characters could have been developed more fully.
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