Pregnant elephants and Dom DeLuise
16 July 2016
Remember how much fun the first Smokey and the Bandit film was? Well, he's back, and this time he's an alcoholic burnout who makes bad career choices and treats his friends like trash. So, he's basically Burt Reynolds from 1980-Boogie Nights. Remember how much free wheeling fun and energy the first film had? Well this sequel has all the energy of a pregnant elephant. Speaking of elephants, Dom DeLuise is in the film. And a pregnant elephant. The entire cast looks like they can't wait to get paid, it's such a "go through the motions" film, reminiscent of another sequel, "Ghostbusters 2.

The final police car pile up is impressive but even that outstays it's welcome after a while. No, it's not one of the worst sequels ever, it's just so gosh darn bland and average.
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