True love wins out over past remembered love
24 July 2016
Romantic drama of king who left his wife and daughter for 18 years to be king and then abdicates to re-encounter them again, finding wife unfaithful and using his position to create a niche for herself in society.

He also learns the true love and devotion of his deposed queen. Another excellent character study of Arliss and the best of his wife, Florence Arliss, on film.

This is a charming film, whose value can only be appreciated by those who are 70 years of age or older, who can bring a lifetime's experience to viewing the film. Younger folk simply won't understand it and will of necessity, dismiss it.

It is the first film in which Arliss, thank goodness, divests himself of lip rouge. I imagine some WB executive told him he needed it for his mouth to be given character, but it always looked very odd in his first talkies and now it is removed and kept off for the duration of his film career.

Seek this one out if you are of the senior citizen class of folk.
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