Easily the weakest of the new trilogy
29 July 2016
I really loved the first two movies of the franchise reboot, so I was really excited to see STB but I left the theatre pretty disappointed. Things I had problems with: a lot of the actors seemed as if they were playing Star Trek caricatures as supposed to actual people (Spock, Scotty, Bones, and Chekov for example) which made it hard for me to follow them throughout the story. There are HUGE plot holes in the movie that are really glaring, and every other scene was a dramatic conversation between two characters where one of them learned an incredibly important life lesson and says some cliché and quotable line over the not so subtle score (ie "fear of dying is what keeps us alive). It didn't really seem like there were any sincere consequences or obstacles that the characters had to overcome, when only one named character was actually killed throughout all of the catastrophes in this movie, and when so often a character will say that something is impossible, and within five minutes they'll figure out a way around it (with really clichéd "I got it!" moments). Perhaps the biggest problem with the movie is a line that Kirk actually says in the very beginning of the film: this all feels very episodic. This could've been condensed to a TV show episode, and it would've worked because there weren't any stakes, nothing drastic had occurred that changed the characters, and you aren't left with any sort of impression as you leave the film. Overall, this is about as average as any other action blockbuster and I can't find anything really exemplary to remark about this movie.
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