Last Wedding (2001)
Last Wedding
6 August 2016
Mojo needs to review the 'very excellent movie, 'Last Wedding.

God, it's a great film.

'the opening scene and the ending scene--are the best and 'everything in-between makes the opening and ending scenes 100% 'sit there in your chair, sofa, cot, bed.... 'whatever, 'enveloped in the impression of the movie as though one's been stamped with an iron 'rubber stamp!!!!: 'and, you can't move to 'turn off the television 'for 'several moments (minutes).....

'it's that great of a movie, but ya 'have to 'watch 'the 'whole movie 'to absorb the introduction and the final scene. It's some of the best writing I've 'ever (ever) seen (I'm a writer--and, when I watch a movie, I 'mentally 'rewrite the 'ending scene. 'this movie is so 'great, no one can 'write a better 'ending!!!! NO ONE! 'absolutely no one!!!!!!)

'this was a very 'under-rated movie......

'great acting. 'great 'story line.

Obscene 'reality.

MOJO! Get on it and 'notify me 'when you've reviewed it!!!!!!
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